Mudra Dance Company
Welcome Performances Dance Academy Vivek Kinra Critics Rave Contact


Mudra Dance Company is the premiere Indian Classical Dance Company of New Zealand. Led by the dance luminary Vivek Kinra, this company uses the dance style of Bharata-Natyam as the mode of expression to create a spectacle of rhythm, colour, music and motion.

Internationally renowned Kinra lives in Wellington, and has performed and taught in New Zealand for over two decades. He has fashioned a unique place in New Zealand's growing multi-cultural arts scene. Kinra has created and presented numerous new thematic dance productions to critical acclaim and large, growing audiences throughout New Zealand.

The Mudra Dance Company under the leadership of Kinra has developed into a vibrant dance company featuring graduates trained at his dance Academy in Wellington.

The company has achieved high standards and presents Kinra's choreography, which has a fine balance of tradition and innovation.

Characterised by exotic beauty and charm, the company is a visual feast of brilliant sari colours, traditional headdresses of braids and flowers and the sparkle of gorgeous jewellery. Together with wondrously swift and rhythmic percussive footwork, the dancers of Mudra Dance Company convey complex emotion and philosophical thought through exquisite hand gestures, body movements and facial expressions.

“After a time, excellence becomes increasingly difficult to write about, without resorting to familiar superlatives. Kinra presents just such a problem.”
Ann Hunt, The Dominion, Wellington, NZ.


Phone (04) 977 9884    Email

WelcomePerformancesDance AcademyVivek KinraCritics RaveContact