Mudra Dance Company
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Dance Academy
The Mudra Dance Academy is a training centre for Bharata-Natyam, one of the classical dance forms of South India. This dance style developed with aesthetic beauty and spiritual intensity in the temples of South India over thousands of years.

Both the practical and theoretical aspects of Bharata-Natyam are taught at the Academy in a systematic and professional manner. A certificate is awarded at the completion of introductory, elementary, intermediate and advanced level courses.

The Academy runs classes in Wellington. A large number of enthusiastic pupils from diverse cultural backgrounds attend various courses at the Academy. These classes are conducted throughout the week during afternoons and evenings, and all day Saturday at our studios on Level 1, No. 22 Webb Street, Te Aro, Wellington.

“His academy is one of the largest dance schools of any kind in the country and he has by now trained hundreds of pupils. Many of them may never have been outside of New Zealand but through these studies they have joined one of the great dance traditions of the world.”

Jennifer Shennan, The Evening Post, Wellington, NZ.

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